Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I thought it will be of great help to a lot of glossa lalia speakers out there, especially the new and upcoming speakers who have been wondering on the subject of how to interprete what they pray in tongues or speak in tongues. This is actually a sub-topic in an earlier blog today, but I think this sub-topic deserves to be given a front page, hence I have it up now.

As gibberish as praying in tongues sounds, as unstructured and annoying as it is, you can be able to interpret what is spoken by you. Interpreting what someone else speaks is a subject of discussion for another topic. 
Is this possible you ask? Yes, it is very possible. It's all dependent on your affinity for the Holy Spirit. First of all, let me state it that:

1. When you pray in tongues, do you see pictures in your mind?
Wow, if you haven't been seeing the pictures that fly through your mind when you are deep in prayer in tongues, you have to cultivate that fast. That is the first step in interpreting your tongues. In fact that is crucial for effective prayers in tongues.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


It has come to stay. It has been around a long while now. It is not going anywhere anytime sooner. It is sometimes irritating and annoying when someone else does it uncharacteristically. It doesn't matter though how much it is detested, it will continue to be spoken by many. It is called glossa lalia. Meaning speaking in tongues.

There are no rules, no best boundaries, no known grammatical structure, no known formulae, no books on its lexis, and  of all no known accurate speaker. Simply open your mouth and utter it as it comes to you. That is speaking in tongues for you. I love to speak in tongues. In fact 95% of my prayer at any time, and since all time (when I met the Saviour Jesus Christ who is seated at the right hand of the Father) has been in glossa lalia. I cannot tell exactly how effective this is, but one thing I have known, it sure feels sweet to my stomach, gives peace to my heart, and life's troubles are easier to handle. Speaking in tongues comes in two observable packages, quick charge and long charge. Quick charge is required when you need to tackle impromptu issues, and long charge is useful when you need to systematically over time deal with issues.

Before I go further, it is important at this time to not mix up terminologies. Where glossa lalia is concerned, there are many confusions, even among experts in the topic, something we readily always forget. So, let's iterate it.

There is a difference between:
1. Speaking in Tongues, and
2. Praying in Tongues.

What is the difference?

SPEAKING IN TONGUE - is when you make a prophetic declaration in a speech-like manner, especially when addressing a crowd, or during personal prayer (only at a certain point in personal prayer, and it usually goes with an interpretation, and mostly it goes unnoticed).
"For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries." 1 Corinthians 14:2 KJV

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Husband, You Need To 'Dwell' With Your Wife! | Making Marriage Work

Special thanks to my wife who sent me this email today. She got it from

One of the meanest tricks in the world occurs when a man romances his future bride and treats her like a princess as they are courting - but then once they get married, everything suddenly changes! Before the marriage, the man held her hand, walked with her, opened the door for her, called her on the telephone, wrote her romantic notes, sent her flowers, and took her to dinner. He treated her so royally that she viewed him as her "Prince Charming" and felt like she was his queen!

Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life....
-- 1 Peter 3:7

Unfortunately, upon returning from the honeymoon, many new husbands suspend all those romantic gestures that made their future brides feel so special. These men begin to act as if they have forgotten how to show their brides the tenderness to which they had grown accustomed. As a result of this change in behavior in their new husbands, young brides often feel disappointed, let down, and deceived. They inwardly ask themselves:
Where is the Prince Charming I fell in love with before I got married?
Was that all an act?
Who is this man I have married?
Who is this man who rarely calls me, who rarely treats me to a date, who seems to have time for everyone except me, and who shows very little tenderness in our relationship?
Where did the man go who once treated me so nicely?
Men are often unaware that they are becoming insensitive and neglectful of their wives. Perhaps they get busy at work, or their minds are heavy with details, or they are mentally and physically exhausted. These may be some of the contributing factors that explain why men do the things they do.
But regardless of what a husband is feeling or going through at work or in his financial affairs, his wife needs his attention and affection. She married him because she wants to be a part of his life. She has a need to feel cherished by him and to know that he wants to include her in his life.

This is precisely why Peter in First Peter 3:7 told husbands that they are to "dwell" with their wives. The word "dwell" is the Greek word sunoikeo, a compound of the word sun and oikos. The word sun always carries the idea of partnership and cooperation. When the word sun is used in the New Testament, it always connects two or more people into a very vital union.
The second part of the word, oikos, is the Greek word for a house. When these words are linked together as they are in First Peter 3:7, it means to share a house together or to dwell together in one residence.

But there's more to this than simply sharing a house together. The fact is, there are many husbands and wives who live in the same house, who eat at the same table, and who share the same bed, yet who don't really "dwell" together.
They are like two ships that occasionally pass each other. Although they share the same residence, they live separate lives, never really connecting with each other.

Because the first part of the word sunoikos ("dwell") is the word sun, which always conveys the idea of partnership and cooperation, this lets us know that Peter is urging husbands to share their lives with their wives.
This is a great challenge to men, who often want to be quiet when they come home after a busy day at work. Many men would rather sit down in front of the television and flip the channels all evening rather than communicate with their wives.

Husband, learning to share your life with your wife is a skill that must be developed. This is why Peter goes on to say that husbands are to "dwell with them according to knowledge." The phrase "according to knowledge" implies that you must gain understanding of what blesses and distresses your wife. First, you must seek to obtain that knowledge by reading the Word, by reading a good book on marriage, by attending a seminar on how to be a better husband, by listening to a teaching tape on the subject, and so on. Then you must apply what you learn to your marriage if you want to have a happy wife.

For instance, what do you do, husband, when you come home from work in the evening? Perhaps you're one of those husbands who walks in the door, plops down on the couch, turns on the television, and begins to flip mindlessly through so many channels that it is impossible to focus on any single program. Meanwhile, your wife has been waiting to talk to you all day long, so she sits next to you as you flip from one channel to the next and wonders, Why doesn't he turn off the television and talk to me instead?

The truth is, you've talked to people all day long, and you probably don't want to talk anymore. But you have a precious wife who needs you at that moment. She has cleaned the house, taken care of the children, cooked your evening meal, and faced her own challenges throughout the day. After an entire day of caring for the children, she needs some adult fellowship. Even more importantly, she wants fellowship with you because you are the one she loves and needs the most.

Why not turn off the television, take your wife by the hand, and ask her to take a walk with you? Or why don't you sit at the kitchen table with your wife and let her tell you all about her day over a cup of coffee or tea? And after she is finished telling you every nitty-gritty detail of her day, take the time to tell her about your day! She wants to know what you did, whom you talked to, what they said, what happened next, and so on. She wants to know all about you and your day.

Also, instead of spending most evenings and Saturday with the guys or with other people, send a powerful signal to your wife that she is important by scheduling time to be only with her. That's right, husband - spend quality time with your wife! Take her out to dinner or a movie. Do things together that you both enjoy so you can keep your relationship fresh and alive.

You need to treat your wife like she is the most central, significant, and important partner in your life. This doesn't mean you can't spend time with the guys. Certainly you need fellowship with Christian brothers. However, if you spend every free minute with them and never schedule any time with your wife, you are communicating that your male friends are much more important than she is. Is this the message you want to send to your wife?

As you learn to treat your wife with tender care, it will pay off big dividends in your life. If she is assured that she is a top priority in your life and feels secure in her relationship with you, she will gladly follow you and help you wherever God leads. But if she doesn't feel valued or secure in her position as your wife, she will find it much harder to follow you with a sweet and submissive heart. She may be afraid that if she follows you, she will ultimately find herself abandoned and uncared for. Thus, how you care for your wife greatly determines how easy or difficult it is for her to follow you.

In my own life, my wife and I actually schedule our times to be together. We plan those moments when we will go for a walk together, go shopping, go to a café to have a cup of coffee or tea, or share a special meal with each other. Like most people, our schedules are very busy. We have found that if we don't plan these times together, all the other responsibilities of our lives and ministry consume us, and in the end, we don't spend enough quality time together.
But because we both consider our marriage relationship to be the most important relationship in our lives, we treat it like it is important and make certain that we spend quality time together on a regular basis.

Husband, I urge you to make the decision that you are going to do more than just share the couch, share the table, and share the bed with your wife. Share your life with her. Open your heart to her; talk to her like she is your best friend and most important confidant. "Dwell" with her and do everything you can to let her know that no one else is as important to you as she is.

If you're wondering what your marriage will be like if you fail to treat your wife with this kind of tender care, just ask those husbands who have made the mistake of ignoring their wives. They will testify how they hurt their wives, and many husbands will have to admit that they were a big factor in their wives becoming bitter and hardhearted.

When you invest in your wife, you are investing into your own life. You see, if you have a happy wife, you can be sure that you'll have a partner who is with you all the way. So I urge you today to learn how to dwell with your wife according to knowledge. Make sure that from this day forward, you treat your wife like she is a top priority in your life!

Sunday, December 2, 2012


This story involves three parties: a judge, a widow and an adversary . There was this judge who “did not fear God nor regard man.” We know there were such men in Palestine then, and we believe there are such men in positions of judicial authority today. They have the position, but they do not have the godly character, compassion and sense of justice that should qualify a man to be a judge. Jesus says that this man “did not fear God nor regard man.” 

Luke 18:1-8
Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart, saying: “There was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man. Now there was a widow in that city; and she came to him, saying, ‘Get justice for me from my adversary.And he would not for a while; but afterward he said within himself, ‘Though I do not fear God nor regard man, yet because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.’” Then the Lord said, “Hear what the unjust judge said. And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”


Although God has promised victory for every Believer, it is not uncommon to experience moments when our faith is under attack. During these times, we tend to wonder if we will ever receive real answers to our prayers, and we may ask ourselves, How can I tap into the hidden wisdom of God that will bring forth my breakthrough? The key is hearing God’s voice behind His written Word.

To identify God’s voice, we must actively communicate with Him. If we want to hear from Him, we must fellowship with Him through regular meditation on His Word and consistent prayer. As Believers who have been filled with the Holy Spirit, we can also speak to God by praying in tongues. Through praying in the Spirit, we speak the very mysteries that could unlock the answers to the situations we face in life!

Saturday, December 1, 2012


A preacher was addressing a congregation: "If I had all the beer in the world, I'd take it and throw it into the river".
And the congregation cried, "Amen!" ...
"And if I had all the wine in the world, I'd take it and throw it in the river".
And the congregation cried, "Amen!"
"And if I had all the whiskey and rum in the world, I'd take it all and throw it in the river".
Again the congregation cried, "Amen!"
The preacher sat down.
The deacon then stood up & said: "For our closing hymn, let's turn to page 126 of our hymn books and sing, 'We shall drink from that river'.
The congregation SCREAMED "HALLELUJAH !!!"


Do you know that faith does not always save? You are probably shocked, as I am! I don't know why I am typing this, but it sure is true.

James 2:19 (New Living Translation)
"You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! EVEN THE DEMONS BELIEVE THIS, AND THEY TREMBLE IN TERROR."
Can you imagine that? There is an example of a situation where faith doesn't save!

The Amplified Bible, puts it this way: "You believe that God is one; you do well. So do the demons believe and shudder [in terror and horror such as make a man's hair stand on end and contract the surface of his skin]!"

I have only seen this type in horror movies, and it is nowhere close to what those demons pass through at the fear of the power of Jesus Christ. Negative faith.

A scripture comes to mind. But before that, let's iron out definition of terms. Faith. What is faith? Is it positive thinking? A feeling? One’s church affiliation? The belief that Jesus died for your sins? Confidence? Hope? Or is it something far more? The Bible states that “without faith it is impossible to please [God]” (Hebrews 11:6). This is an incredible statement - yet, it is in the Bible! Take it for exactly what it says. Just think! Anything a person does, in attempting to be Christian, means absolutely nothing, if he lacks faith. For without faith, he has no hope - no possibility of pleasing God. Any who are not pleasing God are Christians in vain. That is serious! Consider yourself. Do you have real faith? Is it sufficient for salvation? Can you know?

You are probably thinking of the famous Hebrew 11:1, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." 

This is difficult English. Trust the King James version to do that often. But I do love the King James Version, helps to keep certain verse of scriptures simpler, poetic and easy to remember.

Let's use a simpler translation, the New Living Translation: Hebrews 11:1Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

TOP SECRET: Motivation Isn't Enough

A man once wrote and said, "Whatsoever you can conceive you can achieve." Another man said, "A man who is positive, optimistic and undertakes his work with the assurance of success magnetizes his condition, he draws to himself the creative powers of the universe." You have probably heard that before. It is called motivational speaking. Motivation isn't enough. Those aren't lies, but they aren't the complete truth either. Your motivation is not enough for success. It is an ingredient for success, but it is not all that matters. There is something known as the GOD FACTOR. That is the key to success.

There is an ability called "dunamis". You probably have heard about it before. It means power. But it is not ordinary power. It is a special kind of power that works like a dynamo. Notice I didn't say it works like a dynamite. A dynamite blows things up. But a dynamite is a kind of dynamo power. Dynamo is a self-sustaining regenerative power. In science, a dynamo was a source for electrical current, and you know in this 21st century that electricity is everything. We can also call electricity power. So power is also everything. Electric power is required to run everyday life. Shut it down and we may end up in something terrible to describe.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

QUICK TIP: How To Kill Yourself

Several years ago I made a startling discovery. Ever since then, I became at peace with the idea and concept of dying. Death is not a loss. We misunderstood it from beginning. Death is actually a victory. When you die you actually gain. It is easier for people to transition from no job to a mouth-watering job. That is a death of the joblessness to job-fullness. It is easier for people to transition from being broke to being wealthy. That is the death of the broke-ness to wealth-ness. What actually scares people is the separation of relationships.

God's plan for his children is to get familiar with death. I am not going to quote the favorite 1 Corinthians 15:55 "O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?" because till this very moment we still don't understand it.

Jesus was the first person to demonstrate this truth. The apostles during the tribulations also demonstrated this. However, our generation and few past are yet to understand it.

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that YE PRESENT your bodies a LIVING SACRIFICE... - Romans 12:1 (KJV)
...sacrifices are supposed to be dead...
...this typifies a Christian... the quickest way is to die now, right now while you are still alive, is to present your body as a living sacrifice, a living dead, a zombie for righteousness.
The Father of all spirits can ask you to do things your fleshly mind will want to oppose...
...don't creep out!... do it. This is how you die to self. This is the acclaimed and rare brokenness we talk so much about.
If your denial of certain pleasures can promote God's kingdom... are better off...but He won't force you to... is your choice to PRESENT it, OFFER it...
...stop that cigarette, stop that drink...
...stop that relationship, stop that vacation...
...stop that sleep, stop that filthy lucre...
Let your life count for the Message of the Kingdom

Monday, November 26, 2012

QUICK TIP: How To Avoid Sinning Often

What is sin? Primarily, sin is getting on God's wrong side. Doing something that offends God or the Godhead. There are many things that can offend the Godhead. Quite a lot. In fact, some of the things that offend the Godhead range from sins directly offending them stipulated in the Bible to things that are just morally wrong even to fellow human beings (not all though). And as well as sins that you do to yourself that can have long lasting wrong effects on you.

Sin is either physically noticeable or totally invisible such that nobody even knows it has happened. It can even be so bad to the extent that you the sinner do not even know that you have sinned. Sin is really a sublime thing. The sin I am most concerned about is not the sublime version, I am talking about the very easily noticeable type such as found in the 10 commandments, because these are what most people are familiar with, and strangely enough they form the basis for morality, and even stranger, God has written it into every man's, that technically makes all men without excuse. Many people find themselves flaunting these laws so badly.

Friday, November 23, 2012


Dreams. Powerful experience. You are entering the mysterious and fascinating world of dreams, where the rules of reality do not apply. First of all, it's just a dream, so how could it be right or wrong. What is the world turning into?! You bring morality into dreams too? Jeez, totally absurd. Soon enough people would start judging you for having premarital sex in your dream and tell you how sinful you are. That is totally sick. Nonetheless, I know a few people are out there whose logical receptors do malfunction at certain topics such as this one, so this post is for them, and for you who are curious enough to have found yourself here to read. I realize that dreams are unique; no other individual can have your personal background, your emotions, or your experiences.  Thus, your own dreams can only be connected to your own "reality". With this in mind, it is important to draw from your personal life and experiences when interpreting a dream. You will gain a better understanding and discovery of your true self. This can be both a good thing and a bad thing. I am not going to delve into any particular specific, as I am not going to give an anatomy of dreams. There is no such thing as an anatomy of dreams, it is too subjective to be turned into a science. It is more of a psychology and spirituality.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


In my residence today, I decided to play a little prank on the fair beautiful maidens at the restaurant. I was talking about something I really do not remember right now, but it was along religious lines. So, I said, "Girls, I will make 2 statements that you will think is false from the scriptures. In fact I will make three. No, I think I should say four. I will say four statements that are true but that you don't know are true, and you will almost hate me." And they were quite excited, and gave me a go ahead.

There are issues of scripture that DO NOT have direct correlation on your salvation. I mean your ignorance of it does not make you any less saved. Your knowledge of it does not make you any more holier. You do not need to know the Bible A-Z to be saved, all you need is John 3:16, finito. Everything else is juggling of spiritual muscles and Biblical show-off, like I am about to do. Gerrit? Cool.

So, I said to the young pretty maidens:

Saturday, November 17, 2012


This world is deranged, crazy and insane all at once. I blame the educational system of many countries. I blame the poverty, unemployment and corruption of many governments. And most of all, I blame the half-baked churches and their half-baked gospels. Let me give you this breakdown, and I pray to God you follow, in case you are dumb-dumber enough to not comprehend. Okay, maybe that was a little too expensive, I mean, who uses swear words in a blog? Nobody does that. Sometimes I really don't give a crap if this blog is supposed to be religious and morally upright. You wrong brother! I am gonna just paint it as it is, if that is what it will take to get the message across.

Several problems need to be addressed in this blog. The problem of failed marriages, the problem of bias towards preachers who are wealthy, the problem of educated spiritual illiteracy, and I am going to stop right there.

First is the problem of failed and failing marriages.


When God first created man He formed him of dust from the ground, and then breathed the breath of life into his nostrils. As soon as the breath of life, which became man's spirit, came into contact with man's body, the soul was produced. Hence the soul is the combination of man's body and spirit.

And Jehovah God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul (Gen. 2.7 ASV).

The Scriptures therefore call man a living soul. The breath of life became man's spirit; that is, the principle of life within him. The Lord Jesus tells us it is the spirit that gives life (John 6.63). This breath of life comes from the Lord of Creation. However, we must not confuse man's spirit with God's Holy Spirit. The latter differs from our human spirit. Romans 8.16 demonstrates their difference by declaring that it is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God. The original of the word life in breath of life is chay and is in the plural. This may refer to the fact that the in-breathing of God produced a twofold life, soulical and spiritual. When the in-breathing of God entered man's body it became the spirit of man; but when the spirit reacted with the body the soul was produced. This explains the source of our spiritual and soulical lives. We must recognize, though, that this spirit is not God's Own life, for the breath of the Almighty gives me life (Job 33.4). It is not the entrance of the uncreated life of God into man, neither is it that life of God, which we receive at regeneration. What we receive at new birth is God's Own life as typified by the tree of life. But our human spirit, though permanently existing, is void of eternal life.


In the past couple of days I have been in discussion with a few friends over a very common disputed subject. It was more of an argument rather than a discussion I must admit. One thing was constant, none of my co-arguers could establish a proper scriptural quote without quoting wrong and out of context, and yet vehemently insisted they were right. Every item I put up in defence were direct quote of scriptures. We therefore argued, and I was clearly wasting my own time. But I kept at it because the online community is a repository and archive of valuable information for future generations, this was my motivation for the continued argument on my part because I was thinking of the future breeds who will need the information. If you are interested on reading that story, click HERE.

One thing was very clear though, it was the contention between gnosis and epignosis.
GNOSIS means knowledge of spiritual matters; mystical knowledge.
EPIGNOSIS means precise and correct knowledge.

Apparently, my contenders possessed general revelation and knowledge. This is called gnosis. And by the way, gnosis is a Greek word. We find it in the Bible. General revelation is the knowledge of God, as well as the knowledge of right and wrong, that can be obtained through nature.  This general revelation of God’s existence and basic morality is known by everyone.  First of all, the apostle Paul tells us that the people can obtain knowledge of God in creation.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Spirit | Soul | Body = YOU

The ordinary concept of the constitution of human beings is dualistic-soul and body. According to this concept soul is the invisible inner spiritual part, while body is the visible outer corporal part. Though there is some truth to this, it is nevertheless inaccurate. Such an opinion comes from fallen man, not from God; apart from God's revelation, no concept is dependable. That the body is man's outward sheath is undoubtedly correct, but the Bible never confuses spirit and soul as though they are the same. Not only are they different in terms; their very natures differ from each other. The Word of God does not divide man into the two parts of soul and body. It treats man, rather, as tripartite-spirit, soul and body. I Thessalonians 5.23 reads: "May the God of peace himself sanctify you wholly; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." This verse precisely shows that the whole man is divided into three parts. The Apostle Paul refers here to the complete sanctification of believers, "sanctify you wholly. "According to the Apostle, how is a person wholly sanctified? By his spirit and soul and body being kept. From this we can easily understand that the whole person comprises these three parts. This verse also makes a distinction between spirit and soul; otherwise, Paul would have said simply "your soul." Since God has distinguished the human spirit from the human soul, we conclude that man is composed of not two, but three, parts; spirit, soul and body.

Is it a matter of any consequence to divide spirit and soul? It is an issue of supreme importance for it affects tremendously the spiritual life of a believer. How can a believer understand spiritual life if he does not know what is the extent of the realm of the spirit? Without such understanding how can he grow spiritually? To fail to distinguish between spirit and soul is fatal to spiritual maturity. Christians often account what is soulical. as spiritual, and thus they remain in a soulish state and seek not what is really spiritual. How can we escape loss if we confuse what God has divided?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Growing up I was opportune to hear a lot trash, a lot of beliefs and mediocrity. I do remember that I believed them, but for education I would have been a thoughtless spineless dude. Growing up and having my formative experiences were quite confusing, I encountered a lot of disappointment in people's characters, people I looked up to. But I also vividly remember not judging them for it. Whatever the reason, I found myself not doing that, I just observed.

Weaved into our faith system is a gross mis-education, from money to sex. These two have been core of controversy, and I wonder why. Is it because we want them so bad and they form the underpinning of our humanity? Whatever it, I share this truth today, and I stand by it vehemently after thorough studies in the holy scriptures, references, the gospel of Jesus Christ, the message of grace and faith, the concept of sin and the nature of divinity, that MASTURBATION IS NOT A SIN.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Master Strategist

Christianity is  beautiful thing. It is a life that we didn't plan for. Someone did. Just like we did not plan to live with the people we call family today. It was the accident of birth. Now I cannot tell precisely if it was a real accident, where accident is something we didn't plan for but happened. Or if someone actually planned that you should be in that family you belong to today. Even more than that is the country and continent that we belong to. But someone did know. He is God. He is the master strategist. He has your life's blueprint. Where  you were supposed to be born, to whom, how you were supposed to grow up, and perhaps die as a little kid (now am uncertain about that, and I cannot speak authoritatively on that subject) but I do know that all things play into a big plan shaping either our lives or the lives of others, forming ideas and principles for living in some of us, and even for others creating the fabric for their life's future empathy and the results that will follow. Nothing on earth is an accident.


The fellowship of prayer is an awesome experience for those who have trained themselves to plunge into it hungrily. For others it is a very harrowing and dry experience, and yet much is expected, and many have a wiki-load of unanswered prayers. But they never stop praying. They still hope that God will somehow still answer. A sort of gamble. But prayer is not supposed to be like that. Prayer is not a gamble. Prayer is definite. Prayer is specific. Prayers are intended to be answered. Prayer is like a light switch. You press it, you should get results. Every time Jesus prayed he got results. He prayed the right way. His prayer works. If our prayers don't work, then it's possible that we are doing it all wrong.

What do we need to do to get answered prayers. The answers are quite simple. The answer is given to us by God himself, the very person who answers prayers. According to him, our prayers must:

1. Be according to his will. Remember that famous scripture in 1 John 5:14? If we pray according to his will thingy. It's true. Pray out of his will and you are on your own. Relax, it is not an authoritarian will, and he is not some evil maniacal white haired autocrat as you imagined. Whatever it is you are praying for just go through the Bible and see if there is any provision in there for you to have it, 99% of the time it is always there, so you are in luck.

2. Our prayer must be heartfelt. This means that you gotta totally be desirous of what you are praying about to have it. Remember another famous scripture James 5:16? The effecetive fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. The amplified translation puts it as The effective fervent heartfelt continued prayer of a righteous man availeth much, tremendous in its working. 

I feel like I am quoting this improperly. Compare my re-quote with the actual stuff which says The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].

I literally cannot finish explaining that. If you read it well and paint the picture correctly, your prayer that is heartfelt and continued, meaning you don't give up on your request, it says it works like an Ahmadinejad (Iranian president who wants to kill the rest of us Christians) nuclear bomb. Do you know what a dynamo is? It is energy that continues to reproduce itself and is self-sustaining. That is what your prayer does. Tell me why you won't get an answer. You will!

Monday, November 12, 2012


Heresy! Heresy!! Calm down. It is not an heresy. An heresy is not something you disagree with. You don't label something you disagree with as an heresy. You just have a differing opinion. Heresy by definition depends on what field of truths you are coming from. There are issues deemed heresy in Christianity and in Islam, amongst others, to name just those two. By definition heresy is any belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs. I have no such intentions to question the meaning of established beliefs, or customs because that in itself is a long topic.
What I concern myself with is the idea that not paying ones tithe is a sin. No, it is not. It never has been. And it is not an heresy either. The list of heresies in Christendom are adoptionism, Apollinarism, Arianism, Docetism, Luciferianism, Macedonians or Pneumatomachians, Melchisedechians, Monarchianism, Monophysitism or Eutychianism, Monothelitism, Nestorianism, Patripassianism, Psilanthropism; Sabellianism, etc. There is quite a long list of them. If you are curious you can read them here. I have listed these items, it does not mean I listed them because I disagree with them or that I agree with them. The reason for all the confusion today is because some folks just won't go read the holy writ for themselves. They lazily prefer to listen to someone who has read it. I must tell you, listening to someone isn't just enough. You need to be able to listen and search your own thoughts. You need to be able to test, taste and see the truth for yourself. truth is like a great light. Well, I think that last construction is even wrong and misleading. Truth is a light. That is an equally misleading last statement as well. I totally need to say this rightly. TRUTH IS LIGHT.

And before I shed more light on why not paying your tithe is not going to take you to hell, and why it is not a sin, let me shed some lights on what light is. And by the way, don't get me wrong, I pay my tithe, okay? I do. I pay my tithe. I do it because I am convinced it is right to do so. I do it because it has great benefits. Benefits I have experienced firsthand. I fail a few times in payment, but I don't kill myself about it. I still pay the next one. I don't make any attempt to strangulate myself or allow the devil use it to strangulate me if I do not pay. What most practicing believers in Christ have done is to make a religion out of it and stab themselves with many unnecessary wounds when they fail. So, back to light.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

All You Need To Know About Fasting

The term ‘Fasting’ generally refers to a period of abstinence from food for the purpose of engaging in uninterrupted study, prayer and meditation with a clear objective and goal in focus. Why is Fasting Necessary?
The scriptures are replete with numerous accounts of remarkable results and dramatic testimonies produced through Fasting. As Christians, Fasting is one of the godly exercises we should engage in regularly, with the promise of present and eternal benefits. The advantages are numerous, and here are a few:
  • Through Fasting, we can improve our effectiveness in the things of the spirit. In simple terms, Fasting helps you to tame the flesh and lift the spirit. As Christians, we are required to walk in the spirit, always. This means to be spirit-controlled and not flesh-controlled. This is important because Rom 8:6 says “…to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace” and also in John 6:63 our Lord Jesus said “It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing….”.

So how does Fasting help you to tame the flesh and lift the spirit? One of the cravings of the body is food. It is a craving that is connected to the senses. When we fast, we deliberately abstain from food even though our body craves it. We resist the urge to eat thereby improving our mastery over the cravings of the body, and instead focus on activities that build the spirit. Of course, we could engage in activities that build our spirit without abstaining from food, but the abstinence from food adds a level of ‘seriousness‘ and ‘discipline‘to the exercise.
  • Fasting helps to sharpen our ability to receive or hear from God. It is like raising a spiritual antenna to pick the finer signals of the Spirit’s communication.
But how does this happen? When we Fast, abstinence from food is a key characteristic but that is not all. The Fasting exercise promotes focus and undivided attention to study and prayer. There should be a deliberate cessation of all unnecessary activity and a conscious increase in activities of that engage the spirit. This helps to unclutter the mind and remove the ‘noise’ or interference that often prevents the hearing of God’s voice. During a period of Fasting, many have received clear direction and heard the voice of God in a more distinct way than before.
  • Fasting can be a vehicle to effect dramatic and urgent change in things that pertain to us or even in the circumstances of others around us. In James 5:17 (amp) the scriptures assure us that “….the earnest (heartfelt)…prayer of a righteous man makes power available (dynamic)….” which means power to effect changes, shift things, re-arrange things in the present or in the future can be produced by me – when I pray a certain way.  So how do I ensure my prayer is earnest and heartfelt.
When you declare a Fast, you are raising the stakes. It is a declaration of seriousness and urgency in addressing the matter at hand. It helps you to be earnest in your prayers and certainly it will be heartfelt. Your heart is in it to the point that you are giving up eating to focus on the matter at hand. And when you pray like this, the results are guaranteed!

It is important to note that Fasting is not an effort to change God. When we fast, we are the ones that change and we are the beneficiaries of the Fast. Our Fasting does not change God for the scriptures say in Mal 3:6  “….I am the Lord, I change not…” 
So with this in focus, here are steps that can make our Fasting more effective;
  • Have a clear objective in focus – what are your expectations from this Fast?
  • The period of Fasting must include regular intervals of prayer, study and meditation on the Word. Having a clear focus and expectation will help guide your prayer, study and meditation time.
  • Minimize unnecessary activity or distractions during the Fasting period. Though  solitude may not always be achievable, strive to be ‘alone’ with the Spirit as much as possible.
  • And while there is no single prescription for the length of a Fast, it should be sufficiently long to be effective. It ought to be long enough to span several normal eating periods. And you should be hungry at some point during the Fast. But this is not a reason to break it but rather to endure and continue! Remember, part of the training of the Fast is to curb the craving of the flesh and maintain focus on the spirit.
It is quite common for people to Fast when they are in dire need or in trouble, but you don’t need to be in trouble or in a messy situation to be compelled to Fast. We can Fast to improve our spiritual acumenstay ahead of situationsmake general improvements in our life and to prepare for a greater future.
And while anyone can Fast at anytime, there are special times when the Spirit of God leads us to Fast. These are special Fasting sessions not to be missed because they bear an accuracy and grace that is unusual.
The advantages of Fasting are numerous, and every Christian should benefit from it. What Fasting can do for you, may not be obtainable in any other way. And like many things in our Christian walk, the benefits come to you by doing. You may learn, read or even talk about Fasting – but that won’t bring the benefits. The benefits are realized when you do it. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


God says: I want you to bring your joys to Me and all of your sorrows too.
I want to share all things with you--your victories, your defeats,
your hopes and your dreams. Come to Me and bring them to Me. I want
you to desire Me on your bad days, as well as on your good ones. I
want you to run to Me, just as you are--I don't want you to try to
make yourself perfect before you run to Me. Let Me be the One to make
you perfect, as My Spirit works within you to transform you.

Do not hide your darkness, expose it. Do not sympathetically make excuses for it, confess it. Hate it. Renounce it. For as long as darkness remains in darkness, it rules you. But when you bring darkness out into the light, it becomes light. When you take your secret sins and boldly come unto the throne of God's grace and confess them, He cleanses you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). If you sin again, repent again. And again, until the habit of sin is broken within you.

Like the prospectors of old, you must stake your claim high in the kingdom of God, being ready to defend your rights to the "pure gold" of Heaven (Rev. 3:18). And as you pitch your tent at the throne of grace, something eternal will begin to glow in you, like hot coals on a furnace floor. And as you persist with the Almighty, the sacred fire of His presence will consume the wood, hay and stubble of your former ways.

Power such as Jesus had will reside in your innermost being. Angels will stand in awe, for your gold will be refined, your garments light and your life holy.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Curiously, and without biblical support, this fivefold list of ordained ministries from Ephesians 4:11 has been split by the modern church into two lists.
I want to ask these two questions. Majority of Christians will fail this test.
• Question #1 — Which three of the Ephesians 4:11 ministries are mentioned most in the New Testament?
• Question #2 — Which two of those fivefold ministries are mentioned least in the New Testament?
The answers may shock you. They indicate how far out of balance the contemporary church has grown compared to the original church that Christ established on the earth.
• Answer to question #1:
• The word “apostle(s)” occurs 85 times in the New Testament.
• The word “prophet(s)” occurs over 150 times in the New Testament, about 20 of those occurrences referring distinctly to prophets in the Church Age.
• The word “teacher(s)” occurs 125 times in the New Testament.
• Answer to question #2:
• The word “evangelist(s)” occurs only 3 times in the New Testament.
• The word “pastor(s)” occurs precisely one (1) time in the entire New Testament! One time(Ephesians 4:11)
Consider those numbers. The Bible speaks of New Testament apostles, prophets, or teachers a combined total of at least 200 times. Pastors and evangelists are mentioned a combined total of four times!
And yet the modern day church calls most ministers by the term “Pastor” and shies away from “apostles” and “prophets” like a horse avoiding a rattlesnake! Man’s prejudices, fears, or misinterpretations have deprived the Lord’s Church of the two foundational ministries — apostles and prophets — that He Himself placed on earth. The Church today, wherever it denies these two ministries, is improperly structured. Pastors, evangelists, and teachers alone cannot bring the church to maturity. They were never intended to. Jesus gave all five ministries for that purpose.
In the two sections that follow, we will examine the characteristics and work of prophets and apostles in the Church Age. Nowhere in Scripture is there a concise, precisely worded “job description” of these two offices. Therefore, I will offer to the reader overviews, or composites, of these two ministries in the New Testament. Of course, no individual apostle or prophet can be expected to fulfill every aspect of these descriptions. That level of perfection remains the privilege of the Lord Jesus Himself.
5. What are the biblical characteristics and ministry of apostles?
• Acts 2:4 They were filled with the Spirit.
• Acts 2:14-36 They preached the Word of God.
• Acts 3:1-8 They healed the sick.
• Acts 4:1-12 They were persecuted.
• Acts 5:1-11 They pronounced God’s judgment.
• Acts 5:12 They worked signs and wonders.
• Acts 5:42 They taught and preached Jesus Christ.
• Acts 6:1-6 They ordained deacons.
• Acts 8:14-17 They laid their hands on others to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
• Acts 8 and later chapters. They founded and/or strengthened new churches.
• Acts 9:36-43 They raised the dead.
• Acts 10 They preached to the Gentiles.
• Acts 12:1-11 They were martyred, persecuted, and sometimes delivered.
• Acts 13:4 They were sent by the Holy Spirit (the root of the word “apostle” means “sent”).
• Acts 13:11 They pronounce a curse.
• Acts 14:21-22 They confirmed disciples in their faith.
• Acts 14:23 They ordained elders.
• Acts 15:1-21 They settled doctrinal disputations.
• Acts 16:18 They cast out demons.
• Acts 19:22 They sent forth other ministering men.
• Acts 20-28 list further ministries that apostles performed.
• 1 Corinthians 3:10 They were wise master builders. They laid spiritual foundations.
• 1 Corinthians 4:14-15 The apostle Paul warned his “sons” in the faith.
• 1 Corinthians 7:1 They counseled and answered the saints’ questions.
• 1 Corinthians 11:34 They set churches in order.
• 2 Corinthians 11:28 Paul exercised “care of all the churches.”
• 2 Corinthians 13:10 They used their authority for edification.
• Ephesians 2:20 Apostles are part of the foundation of the church.
• Ephesians 3:3-5 They received revelation from God.
• Ephesians 4:11-12 They perfected the saints.


This is how Brother R.W. Schambach narrated it:

Some time ago, when I was in Seattle, Washington, I preached a message about Lazarus. The Bible says that Lazarus had been in the grave four days when Jesus finally came. Although it seemed as if He had arrived too late, He was right on time. He is never too late. In other words, it's never too late for a miracle.

Sometimes we put time limits on God. Mary and Martha were limited in their faith. They said to Jesus, "Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died" (John 11:21, 32). They had forgotten that Jesus was Christ, the Son of God - Emmanuel: God with us. They had forgotten that Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. They didnt know that Jesus had intentionally waited. He wanted His followers to witness His miraculous power.

We should never try to figure out Gods timetables. He is always on time. It's never too late.

After the service, a woman came to me and shoved a piece of paper into my hand.
She said, "Now I dare you to say it's not too late."
Do you know what the paper was? A divorce paper, a final decree. She has just received it from the judge. It was final. The husband was gone.
She looked me right in the eye and said again, "Now, I dare you to say it's not too late."

So I smiled and took her dare and said, "It's not too late."
She said, "What about that paper?'
I said, "You are looking at the wrong paper. My paper says, What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. (Matthew 19:6) This is what I believe. How long have you been married?"
She told me they had been married for twenty-seven years and have five children.
I said, "That man has no business leaving you."
I laid hands on her and said, "Holy Ghost, bring that rascal to his senses and save him. Don't bring him back home the way he is. Lord, save him and fill him with the Holy Ghost."
I looked at the woman and said, "God home and get ready for your husband. He is coming."

Of course, that was easy for me to say. I was leaving town. I am an evangelist. I can hit them and run. But in all honesty, I believed what I had said. My wife and I drove from Seattle to Philadelphia. When we got to Philly, I had a letter, from that woman, waiting for me.

I opened it and the first lines said, "Dear Brother Schambach, God is never too late! God got a hold of that rascal, saved him, and filled him with the Holy Ghost. The Lord brought him back home and we got married all over again!"

That is the powerful aspect of faith. Take a stand of faith and say, "Devil, you are a liar. I am going to believe God for a miracle because He is going to turn this situation around." Speak faith. Speak to that mountain and that mountain has to obey your words. That is how you will experience the power of faith.
Note: One of the things that I have noted with Brother Schambach, he is straight to the point in prayer request to the Lord, short on words and somewhat crude in speaking..but based on many miracle testimonys I have read coming from his revivals when he speaks over someone and lays on happens...boom, just like when Jesus commanded things done.

But, you can see that Brother Schambach does not mess around, he prophesies to the situation, declares it and commands it, yet he does it in supplication to God. This is the faith of the man...and Jerry Savelle said, he is a great man of God and what makes him such a great man of God is that he is a great man of faith!
Here is what you have to say over your husband or wife that have strayed away:
               "Holy Ghost, bring that rascal, ______, to his/her senses and save him/her.
                                  Don't bring him/her back home the way he/she is.
                             Lord, save _______ and fill him/her with the Holy Ghost!
                                             In the Name of Jesus, Amen!"
                                                                God Bless