The term ‘Fasting’ generally refers to a period of abstinence from food for the purpose of engaging in uninterrupted study, prayer and meditation with a clear objective and goal in focus. Why is Fasting Necessary? The scriptures are replete with numerous accounts of remarkable results and dramatic testimonies produced through Fasting. As Christians, Fasting is one of the godly exercises we should engage in regularly, with the promise of present and eternal benefits. The advantages are numerous, and here are a few:
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So how does Fasting help you to tame the flesh and lift the spirit? One of the cravings of the body is food. It is a craving that is connected to the senses. When we fast, we deliberately abstain from food even though our body craves it. We resist the urge to eat thereby improving our mastery over the cravings of the body, and instead focus on activities that build the spirit. Of course, we could engage in activities that build our spirit without abstaining from food, but the abstinence from food adds a level of ‘seriousness‘ and ‘discipline‘to the exercise.
FASTING THE RIGHT WAY! MAKING IT EFFECTIVE….. It is important to note that Fasting is not an effort to change God. When we fast, we are the ones that change and we are the beneficiaries of the Fast. Our Fasting does not change God for the scriptures say in Mal 3:6 “….I am the Lord, I change not…” So with this in focus, here are steps that can make our Fasting more effective;
It is quite common for people to Fast when they are in dire need or in trouble, but you don’t need to be in trouble or in a messy situation to be compelled to Fast. We can Fast to improve our spiritual acumen, stay ahead of situations, make general improvements in our life and to prepare for a greater future. And while anyone can Fast at anytime, there are special times when the Spirit of God leads us to Fast. These are special Fasting sessions not to be missed because they bear an accuracy and grace that is unusual. The advantages of Fasting are numerous, and every Christian should benefit from it. What Fasting can do for you, may not be obtainable in any other way. And like many things in our Christian walk, the benefits come to you by doing. You may learn, read or even talk about Fasting – but that won’t bring the benefits. The benefits are realized when you do it. |
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
All You Need To Know About Fasting
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
God says: I want you to bring your joys to Me and all of your sorrows too.
I want to share all things with you--your victories, your defeats,
your hopes and your dreams. Come to Me and bring them to Me. I want
you to desire Me on your bad days, as well as on your good ones. I
want you to run to Me, just as you are--I don't want you to try to
make yourself perfect before you run to Me. Let Me be the One to make
you perfect, as My Spirit works within you to transform you.
Do not hide your darkness, expose it. Do not sympathetically make excuses for it, confess it. Hate it. Renounce it. For as long as darkness remains in darkness, it rules you. But when you bring darkness out into the light, it becomes light. When you take your secret sins and boldly come unto the throne of God's grace and confess them, He cleanses you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). If you sin again, repent again. And again, until the habit of sin is broken within you.
Like the prospectors of old, you must stake your claim high in the kingdom of God, being ready to defend your rights to the "pure gold" of Heaven (Rev. 3:18). And as you pitch your tent at the throne of grace, something eternal will begin to glow in you, like hot coals on a furnace floor. And as you persist with the Almighty, the sacred fire of His presence will consume the wood, hay and stubble of your former ways.
Power such as Jesus had will reside in your innermost being. Angels will stand in awe, for your gold will be refined, your garments light and your life holy.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Curiously, and without biblical support, this fivefold list of ordained ministries from Ephesians 4:11 has been split by the modern church into two lists.
I want to ask these two questions. Majority of Christians will fail this test.
• Question #1 — Which three of the Ephesians 4:11 ministries are mentioned most in the New Testament?
• Question #2 — Which two of those fivefold ministries are mentioned least in the New Testament?
The answers may shock you. They indicate how far out of balance the contemporary church has grown compared to the original church that Christ established on the earth.
• Answer to question #1:
• The word “apostle(s)” occurs 85 times in the New Testament.
• The word “prophet(s)” occurs over 150 times in the New Testament, about 20 of those occurrences referring distinctly to prophets in the Church Age.
• The word “teacher(s)” occurs 125 times in the New Testament.
• Answer to question #2:
• The word “evangelist(s)” occurs only 3 times in the New Testament.
• The word “pastor(s)” occurs precisely one (1) time in the entire New Testament! One time! (Ephesians 4:11)
Consider those numbers. The Bible speaks of New Testament apostles, prophets, or teachers a combined total of at least 200 times. Pastors and evangelists are mentioned a combined total of four times!
And yet the modern day church calls most ministers by the term “Pastor” and shies away from “apostles” and “prophets” like a horse avoiding a rattlesnake! Man’s prejudices, fears, or misinterpretations have deprived the Lord’s Church of the two foundational ministries — apostles and prophets — that He Himself placed on earth. The Church today, wherever it denies these two ministries, is improperly structured. Pastors, evangelists, and teachers alone cannot bring the church to maturity. They were never intended to. Jesus gave all five ministries for that purpose.
In the two sections that follow, we will examine the characteristics and work of prophets and apostles in the Church Age. Nowhere in Scripture is there a concise, precisely worded “job description” of these two offices. Therefore, I will offer to the reader overviews, or composites, of these two ministries in the New Testament. Of course, no individual apostle or prophet can be expected to fulfill every aspect of these descriptions. That level of perfection remains the privilege of the Lord Jesus Himself.
5. What are the biblical characteristics and ministry of apostles?
• Acts 2:4 They were filled with the Spirit.
• Acts 2:14-36 They preached the Word of God.
• Acts 3:1-8 They healed the sick.
• Acts 4:1-12 They were persecuted.
• Acts 5:1-11 They pronounced God’s judgment.
• Acts 5:12 They worked signs and wonders.
• Acts 5:42 They taught and preached Jesus Christ.
• Acts 6:1-6 They ordained deacons.
• Acts 8:14-17 They laid their hands on others to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
• Acts 8 and later chapters. They founded and/or strengthened new churches.
• Acts 9:36-43 They raised the dead.
• Acts 10 They preached to the Gentiles.
• Acts 12:1-11 They were martyred, persecuted, and sometimes delivered.
• Acts 13:4 They were sent by the Holy Spirit (the root of the word “apostle” means “sent”).
• Acts 13:11 They pronounce a curse.
• Acts 14:21-22 They confirmed disciples in their faith.
• Acts 14:23 They ordained elders.
• Acts 15:1-21 They settled doctrinal disputations.
• Acts 16:18 They cast out demons.
• Acts 19:22 They sent forth other ministering men.
• Acts 20-28 list further ministries that apostles performed.
• 1 Corinthians 3:10 They were wise master builders. They laid spiritual foundations.
• 1 Corinthians 4:14-15 The apostle Paul warned his “sons” in the faith.
• 1 Corinthians 7:1 They counseled and answered the saints’ questions.
• 1 Corinthians 11:34 They set churches in order.
• 2 Corinthians 11:28 Paul exercised “care of all the churches.”
• 2 Corinthians 13:10 They used their authority for edification.
• Ephesians 2:20 Apostles are part of the foundation of the church.
• Ephesians 3:3-5 They received revelation from God.
• Ephesians 4:11-12 They perfected the saints.
5 fold,
This is how Brother R.W. Schambach narrated it:
Some time ago, when I was in Seattle, Washington, I preached a message about Lazarus. The Bible says that Lazarus had been in the grave four days when Jesus finally came. Although it seemed as if He had arrived too late, He was right on time. He is never too late. In other words, it's never too late for a miracle.
Sometimes we put time limits on God. Mary and Martha were limited in their faith. They said to Jesus, "Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died" (John 11:21, 32). They had forgotten that Jesus was Christ, the Son of God - Emmanuel: God with us. They had forgotten that Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. They didnt know that Jesus had intentionally waited. He wanted His followers to witness His miraculous power.
We should never try to figure out Gods timetables. He is always on time. It's never too late.
After the service, a woman came to me and shoved a piece of paper into my hand.
She said, "Now I dare you to say it's not too late."
Do you know what the paper was? A divorce paper, a final decree. She has just received it from the judge. It was final. The husband was gone.
She looked me right in the eye and said again, "Now, I dare you to say it's not too late."
So I smiled and took her dare and said, "It's not too late."
She said, "What about that paper?'
I said, "You are looking at the wrong paper. My paper says, What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. (Matthew 19:6) This is what I believe. How long have you been married?"
She told me they had been married for twenty-seven years and have five children.
I said, "That man has no business leaving you."
I laid hands on her and said, "Holy Ghost, bring that rascal to his senses and save him. Don't bring him back home the way he is. Lord, save him and fill him with the Holy Ghost."
I looked at the woman and said, "God home and get ready for your husband. He is coming."
Of course, that was easy for me to say. I was leaving town. I am an evangelist. I can hit them and run. But in all honesty, I believed what I had said. My wife and I drove from Seattle to Philadelphia. When we got to Philly, I had a letter, from that woman, waiting for me.
I opened it and the first lines said, "Dear Brother Schambach, God is never too late! God got a hold of that rascal, saved him, and filled him with the Holy Ghost. The Lord brought him back home and we got married all over again!"
That is the powerful aspect of faith. Take a stand of faith and say, "Devil, you are a liar. I am going to believe God for a miracle because He is going to turn this situation around." Speak faith. Speak to that mountain and that mountain has to obey your words. That is how you will experience the power of faith.
Note: One of the things that I have noted with Brother Schambach, he is straight to the point in prayer request to the Lord, short on words and somewhat crude in speaking..but based on many miracle testimonys I have read coming from his revivals when he speaks over someone and lays on happens...boom, just like when Jesus commanded things done.
But, you can see that Brother Schambach does not mess around, he prophesies to the situation, declares it and commands it, yet he does it in supplication to God. This is the faith of the man...and Jerry Savelle said, he is a great man of God and what makes him such a great man of God is that he is a great man of faith!
Here is what you have to say over your husband or wife that have strayed away:
"Holy Ghost, bring that rascal, ______, to his/her senses and save him/her.
Don't bring him/her back home the way he/she is.
Lord, save _______ and fill him/her with the Holy Ghost!
In the Name of Jesus, Amen!"
God Bless
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