Saturday, November 17, 2012


This world is deranged, crazy and insane all at once. I blame the educational system of many countries. I blame the poverty, unemployment and corruption of many governments. And most of all, I blame the half-baked churches and their half-baked gospels. Let me give you this breakdown, and I pray to God you follow, in case you are dumb-dumber enough to not comprehend. Okay, maybe that was a little too expensive, I mean, who uses swear words in a blog? Nobody does that. Sometimes I really don't give a crap if this blog is supposed to be religious and morally upright. You wrong brother! I am gonna just paint it as it is, if that is what it will take to get the message across.

Several problems need to be addressed in this blog. The problem of failed marriages, the problem of bias towards preachers who are wealthy, the problem of educated spiritual illiteracy, and I am going to stop right there.

First is the problem of failed and failing marriages.

Did you know, that by yourself, you were a 80:20 ratio of being an illiterate and uneducated nice young person? Where 80 percent is your actual chance of being uneducated and illiterate, and the 20% your chances of at least almost making a basic education. You are educated today and reading this blog and have that degree of yours mostly because SOMEONE knew the right thing to do for you. SOMEONE took it upon HIMSELF/HERSELF to school you. All by yourself you stood no chance. By yourself you would have not made basic school. by the time you will realize that you are supposed to, you would have been in your late teenage years, and thereby slimming your chances because at that point you will be thinking of basic survival techniques such as food, shelter and then you will probably have a baby momma waiting on your neck. So education just wouldn't cut it for you. But SOMEONE took the pain to force you to school. Someone took the effort to discipline you to stay in school. By high school you felt it was too tough and would rather quit. The teachers and principals were just too harsh, and trigonometry and physics just wasn't your thing, and you hate numbers. Who does that, hating numbers. Then one day, this mystery person who happens to be your parent or guardian, let you be, and you were on auto-cruise. Glad to have an education. Now you could pull through on your own, and you can't imagine not to have an education. You even went further to get a masters degree and seriously now contemplating a doctorate. What a journey.

If it took so much effort to school you in conventional education before you could succeed, how can you expect to do well in marriage in which there is no known official curriculum for success? The percentage of people whose marriages are a blossoming success is too meager compared to those in marital traumas. Marriage was instituted by God, and only him has the blueprint for its success. And to know God's mind on marriage you have to go to church. No, that even came out wrong. You don't need church to know how to succeed in marriage. What you need is the Word of God and revelations from it, and unfortunately, the primary vendor of the Word of God is the church. So you need to go to church to learn about how to succeed in marriage. Pheeew! Now that came out better.

The next issue on my heart is the negative attitude people have against preachers who are wealthy. For the sake of this blog, I am going to stay with Nigeria as an example. You can read about it HERE.

There wealth is not their problem. Jesus promised them that a long time ago.
Mark 10:29:
"I tell you the truth," Jesus replied, "no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields--and with them, persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life."

Your current persecution and bias against these wealthy preachers was also promised to them by Jesus! And it doesn't end there, they will get eternal life also. In fact this eternal life isn't just the eternal life in heaven, but in other upcoming ages. Oh you mean you didn't know? There will be other dispensations, it all doesn't end on earth, or heaven, there are still other ages to come. So, like the Americans say, "Stop being so bitchy about it," and if it hurts you that much to see these preachers living life affluently, like the popular proverb says, "if you can't beat them, join them.". Go be a preacher as well.

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