Sunday, November 18, 2012


In my residence today, I decided to play a little prank on the fair beautiful maidens at the restaurant. I was talking about something I really do not remember right now, but it was along religious lines. So, I said, "Girls, I will make 2 statements that you will think is false from the scriptures. In fact I will make three. No, I think I should say four. I will say four statements that are true but that you don't know are true, and you will almost hate me." And they were quite excited, and gave me a go ahead.

There are issues of scripture that DO NOT have direct correlation on your salvation. I mean your ignorance of it does not make you any less saved. Your knowledge of it does not make you any more holier. You do not need to know the Bible A-Z to be saved, all you need is John 3:16, finito. Everything else is juggling of spiritual muscles and Biblical show-off, like I am about to do. Gerrit? Cool.

So, I said to the young pretty maidens:

1. Jesus was a sinner (the Bible even said worse than that, it said Jesus became sin).
2. Adam was not the first man (my topic of today's exegesis).
3. Refusal to pay tithe is not a sin (I have treated this in this blog before)
4. Masturbation is not a sin (I have treated this in this blog as well).

As I mentioned the first statement, they went like wTf!!! By the time I released the second one, they were like I am the antichrist! The third one and they went like "You freak! You asshole!" And by the time I said the last statement, they were 101% convinced I was Satan's younger cousin. Funny. Anyway, I did have fun priming them that way. Shake up their belief system and take them back to the drawing board.

It's amazing the mass ignorance of the Holy Bible containing God's Word and the treasures hidden within them, and at the same time the mass mis-education and assumptions of vitally 90% of Christians. How dare you be a Christian and not know your Bible's hard facts! We would rather watch stupid videos on YouTube, high-powered immoral musical videos, and trash magazines and gossip columns, and even worst, half-baked uneducated preachers with non-cooked off-tangent grayscaled gospels. When you put take a look at scriptures, and read one section and read another section, and cut and paste related sections out like an FBI investigation board, and you connect the strings, and stand back and look at it all, you will SEE CLEARLY the same thing many of us have seen. The scale will fall off your eyes.

Many people have become agnostics because of the supposed conflict between the Bible and science. In truth, there is no conflict at all between a correct translation of the Bible and really proven science, not just unproved theories. One of these supposed conflicts is between the fact that science knows that human beings have lived on the earth far longer than the few thousand years covered by the Bible, and the common belief that the Bible says that Adam was the first man. But the truth is that the Bible nowhere says that Adam was the first man. Yes, I know that most of the preachers say that, but the Bible doesn't. Let's look at the record.

The many mis-translations in the King James version obscure much of the truth. For example"

Genesis 1:1-2 "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep."

In the Hebrew, it says, "Now the earth HAD BECOME chaotic and empty." (See Rotherham's Emphasized Bible). That is, some early catastrophe had wrecked the earth, which was not "without form and void" before that. This was a judgment of God on earlier civilizations for their wickedness.

Jeremiah 4:23-27 gives a vision of it:
"I beheld the earth, and lo, it was without form and void, and the heavens, and they had no light. I beheld the mountains, and lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly. I beheld, and lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled. I beheld, and lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the Lord, and by His fierce anger. For thus hath the Lord said, "The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not make a full end."

Therefore we do find buried ruins of cities older than Adam and skeletons which can be dated by the carbon 14 process as many thousands of years older. But the Bible itself tells us about this. Next the Bible tells of the creation of men in the plural. In Genesis 1:26-28 is says "Male and female created He THEM" and God told these people "Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth" (1:28). "Plenish" is an obsolete English word meaning "to fill" and you cannot RE-plenish what was never plenished, or filled before.

The 4th chapter of Genesis records the birth of Cain and Abel. In the Hebrew the wording suggests that they were twins. No other child of Eve is mentioned until the birth of Seth when Adam was 130 years old--certainly long after the birth of Cain and Abel which most scholars say was over 100 years earlier. Yet when Cain killed Abel, and in punishment was driven out of the land he complained to God that "any one that findeth me shall slay me." (4:14).

Whenever someone tells you the Bible is in conflict with what modern science has proven true, don't you believe it. The things many preachers teach are in conflict with scientific truth, as we all know, but these preachers are equally in conflict with the Bible. Go back to the Bible, not to any man made doctrines and double-check it for accuracy of translation. You will find what the Bible really says, in its original languages, is accurate with a precision our scientists have not yet achieved. I REST THIS CASE FOR NOW (I feel sleepy).

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